Monday, January 24, 2011

Project CNY

Who are our target audience/beneficiary?
  1. Old people
  2. Elderly people
  3. Old and elderly people
What could be some of the general needs of the people in the homes?
  1. Hi-fibre food items 
  2. Soft and easy-to-chew food items

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Personal Post-Orientation Reflection

What were 3 of the highlights of the Orientation and the last 2 weeks?
  1. The Ice-Breaker Games in school with PSLs' and at camp with facilitator.
  2. The abseiling in camp as it was the only high element I could participate in.
  3. The CCA try-outs after school last Wednesday.
What were 3 of the 'low' moments of the Orientation and he last 2 weeks?
  1. Not being able to go for Rock-Climbing and Log Balance.
  2. The area-cleaning of the hall.
  3. Falling sick after CCA try-outs.

What are 3 of my greatest takeaways/lesson from the Orientation and the last 2 weeks?
  1. Knowing that fear is in the mind and it can be conquered.
  2. Being able to be aware of my surroundings and friends.
  3. Getting to know my PSLs and friends better.
What did you learn about yourself in the last 2 weeks?
  1. I learnt that I'm not as cowardly as I put myself to be.
What are you looking forward to in 2011?\
  1. I'm looking forward to meeting up with my primary school classmates.
  2. I'm also looking forward to making friends with everyone in class

My Expectations as a Students

How will I do my best as a student?
  1. I will focus on my studies.
  2. I will do well in my examinations and not get complacent
  3. I will not get distracted by games, movies etc.

Monday, January 10, 2011



Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 1 Mac Attack 1 - Activity 4: End-of-Day Reflection

Today, I got to know my classmates and the Peer Support Leaders in charge of my class. I also went for a camp briefing for my Orientation Camp. I learnt how to use Pages on my Learning Device. I chose SST because I want to be a game producer when I grow up and I think SST can provide me with the knowledge I need to aid me in the game producing buisness.